
age 35 ani


address Chișinău

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".

Despre mine

MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, Social Media

Experiența profesională

Septembrie 2022 - Prezent
2 ani 6 luni

Sales Advisor


• Supporting Store Manager and Assistant Store Manager with the achievement of retail store targets by driving sales
• Delivering sales through friendly and efficient customer service
• Ensuring our customers have a fun and enjoyable shopping experience
• Assisting with processing store deliveries, visual merchandising, stock takes, markdowns and promotions

Iulie 2017 - Iulie 2020
3 ani 1 lună

Marketing Manager

BCR Chisinau S.A.


Managing all marketing for the company and activities within the marketing department.
Developing the marketing strategy for the company in line with company objectives.
Co-ordinating marketing campaigns with sales activities.
Overseeing the company's marketing budget.
Creating promotions with advertising managers
Developing and managing advertising campaigns

Ianuarie 2015 - Aprilie 2016
1 an 4 luni

Project Assistant and PR Manager in „Perspective of a European Future for the Moldova Regions”

IDIS “ Viitorul”


• Creation of team of 8 regional coordinators
• Organization of 2 meetings of 8 local coordinators, representatives of grantee and partenrs and preparation of public debates, street university and PR activities
• Organization of 16 public debates in 8 regions
• Realisation of the opening/introductory conference
• Organisation of a two-day study trip for Moldova representatives in Slovakia
• Creating of webpage and fanpages: facebook, twitter, youtube, google + -of the projects focusing on offering expert and objective information about the EU
• Creation of information leaflets, posters and calendars and their distribution
• Organization of 6 exhibitions of EU thematic carricatures in the streets of regional centres connected with an expert debate attended by Moldova and Slovak experts and embassies od EU member states in Moldova

Septembrie 2014 - Mai 2015
8 luni

PR Manager in project „Provision of Consultancy Services to Strengthen Target LPAs through Inter-Municipal Cooperation”

IDIS "Viitorul" in colaboration with UNDP Moldova


Developing promotional materials (banners, leaflets, posters)
• Participation in all activities aiming to promote the project in line with the implementation of activities under the contract
• Preparation of documents, interviews and other materials to promote results of the project.
• Participation in organizing informal meetings with professionals from various fields.
• Develop draft report (PR side) and the final version of the reports described the methodology of the project
•Organizing press conferences, elaboration and dissemination of press releases.

Noiembrie 2012 - Decembrie 2014
2 ani 1 lună

PR Assistant in the project National Convention for European Integration of Moldova

IDIS "Viitorul"


• Participation in the dissemination of project results.
• Coordinate activities related to the submission of the report and the project team coordination
• Maintaining the web page
• Maintaining the facebook page National Convention on EU in Moldova

Septembrie 2010 - Decembrie 2014
4 ani 3 luni

Project Assistant in the project National Convention for European Integration of Moldova

IDIS "Viitorul"


. • Participation in all activities aiming to promote the project in line with the implementation of activities under the contract
• Preparation of documents, interviews and other materials to promote results of the project.
• Participation in organizing informal meetings with professionals from various fields.
• Develop draft report (PR side) and the final version of the reports described the methodology of the project
• Organize working groups involving officials from Ministries, representatives
their civil society

Octombrie 2014 - Octombrie 2014
1 lună

Project Assistant, Moldovan-German Forum

IDIS "Viitorul" in colaboration with KHW Bank


• Participation in all activities aiming to promote the project in line with the implementation of activities under the contract
• Participation in all logistic activites

Septembrie 2013 - Decembrie 2013
3 luni

Project Assistent in „Challenges for the European course: Experience of the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries"

IDIS "Viitorul"


•Participation in all activities aiming to promote the project in line with the implementation of activities under the contract
• Participation in organizing informal meetings with professionals from various fields.
Participation in all logistic activites ( accommodation of foreign experts, arrange travel of experts, visas etc.)
•Organizing press conferences, elaboration and dissemination of press releases.

Martie 2013 - Iunie 2013
4 luni

Project Assistent in “Building trust between both sides of the river Dniester – preparing professional experts in

IDIS "Viitorul" in colaboration with HSS


•Participation in all activities aiming to promote the project in line with the implementation of activities under the contract
• Participation in organizing informal meetings with professionals from various fields.
•Organizing round tables with the partners (administrative coordination meetings with partners)
•Organize 3 joint workshops / trainings with experts and participants from both sides of the river Dniester.
•Organizing press conferences, elaboration and dissemination of press releases.

Ianuarie 2013 - Martie 2013
2 luni

Project Assistent in the project "Democracy and Good Governance in Moldova: Current Status and Key Trends"



•Participation in all activities aiming to promote the project in line with the implementation of activities under the contract
• Participation in organizing informal meetings with professionals from various fields.

Septembrie 2012 - Decembrie 2012
3 luni

Project Assistant in „European Integration Index for Eastern Partnership Countries”

IDIS "Viitorul in colaboration with SOROS Moldova


• Responsible for smooth organization of the project “European Integration Index for Eastern Partnership Countries, public presentation in Chisinau, November 2012”.

• To coordinate, to monitor and ensure exact implementation of the planned activities, to report to the Soros Moldova, to connect other stakeholders, and establish a functional dialogue with the main representatives of the beneficiary.

Mai 2012 - Mai 2012
1 lună

Project Assistant, Moldovan-German Forum

IDIS "Viitorul"


• Participation in all activities aiming to promote the project in line with the implementation of activities under the contract

Septembrie 2010 - Septembrie 2011
1 an 1 lună

Project Assistant in the project „Strengthening critical thinking on accelerating conflict resolution in Moldova through active involvement of international actors”

IDIS "Viitorul" in colaboration with Soros Moldova


• Organize a number of key-meetings with state officials in Moldova for foreign experts, as well as in the breakaway region of Transnistria, OSCE Mission, think tanks, media


Română Fluent

Rusă Comunicare

Engleză Comunicare

Italiană Comunicare

Studii: Superioare

Absolvit în: 2014

State University from Moldova

Facultatea: Journalism and Communication

Specialitatea: Public Relations and Advertising

Absolvit în: 2012

State University from Moldova

Facultatea: Journalism and Communication Sciences

Specialitatea: Communication Sciences

Cursuri, training-uri

Absolvit în: 2013

"Democracy and Good Governance in Moldova: Current Status and Key Trends"

Organizator: IDIS "Viitorul"

Absolvit în: 2012

Summer school project "Building trust between both sides of the river Dniester - training of experts in public policy"

Organizator: IDIS "Viitorul"

Absolvit în: 2012

Participation in the conference theme of Moldova organizational performance. "Perforum"

Organizator: AIESEC Moldova

Absolvit în: 2011

Participation in training "Law and Ethics in the Media"

Organizator: IDIS "Viitorul"

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă


Permis de conducere

Categoria: B

Cu automobil personal

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".